Sabtu, 20 April 2013

Secret to Avoid a Yellow Card in Soccer

Edited by Luv_sarah, Teresa, Maluniu, Butterfly29

The most upsetting moment in a football game is when we get a yellow card offense, while we do not mean. you have you ever experienced it? yes, I will give you a little secret for you

Do you always get cards in soccer? Do you wish you could not get any cards in soccer? Do you just not want to get a card in the first place? Well then this is the article for you!


  1. 1
    Don't just go for the ball. Use your head. In soccer it's a little tougher to do, but you can do it.
  2. 2
    Don't get too aggressive. When you try to steal the ball, or try to pass a person, don't get too aggressive. There is a fine line between aggressive and too aggressive. Don't try to grab the person by their shirt and throw them away, or try not to kick them in the wrong spot.
  3. 3
    Be careful with attacking or defending.
  4. 4
    If a ref calls it a foul, don't try to argue. That usually won't help anyone. Just suck it up.
  5. 5
    Be a good sport. When you score a goal, don't take off your shirt and run around or anything like that.


  • Sometimes you just get a bad ref. It happens to everyone, but even with a good ref, don't try anything dangerous.
  • If someone on the other side is being too aggressive, don't try to follow him with more aggressiveness.
  • This is always important. When you kick the ball to get it away from someone, first, know where you're kicking. Second, don't try and aim for the body. Sometimes the refs will acknowledge that it wasn't on purpose because when you tried to kick the ball, it moved away from the kicking spot or something, but it's still dangerous to aim for a body part such as the legs, even with shin guards.
  • If you do get one, just suck it up and learn from what you did.
  • Just because it's a foul that you committed, don't be all antsy and nervous because if it was only a small foul, they just get a free kick.


  • Never ever aim for the body when kicking.

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